God's Chaldean Judgment - Habakkuk 2:2-20

Habakkuk looks at the Nation of Judah continuing in wickedness and not repenting and turning to God. He is troubled by what he sees and cries to God. God then tells Habakkuk of impending judgment on Judah, and Habakkuk is astonished that God was going to use the Chaldeans to judge His people. God chose to reveal to Habakkuk that someday the Chaldeans would also be judged for their wickedness. Too often in life, we look at the prosperity of the wicked and become envious, or we question why God does not destroy the wicked and allows violence to continue. We ask the same question as Habakkuk of why do you use such people? Remember God is in control, and all will stand before him in judgment. We must learn to trust God in all things.