The Voice Of God - Psalm 29:1-11

Have you ever thought it would be wonderful to hear the voice of God. Perhaps like Adam and Eve who had the privilege of walking with God in the evening and talking with Him. Maybe you have thought what it must have been like for Moses as he talked to God on the mountain as he was given the Law. Peter, James, and John hearing the voice of God speaking to them daily must have been exciting. In this message, we will focus on the most important voice and that is the voice of God. While on this side of glory, we will not walk with God in the garden in the cool of the evening, nor will we speak to God as Moses dis, nor will we talk to Jesus, face to face, as Peter, James, and John; but we can still know and hear the voice of God for God has revealed Himself in His Holy Word. We must understand God has spoken and we must heed His voice.